Carilion Clinic Patient Transportation: 4th Annual StarPoints Conference a Huge Success

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Friday, April 18, 2008

4th Annual StarPoints Conference a Huge Success

Each year, Carilion Clinic Life-Guard hosts their educational StarPoints Conference for EMS providers and hospital personnel. This year, the event was held at the Inn at Virginia Tech and Skelton Conference Center in Blacksburg, VA. We are extremely proud to report a record attendance of over 250 attendees-truly an example of the growing popularity of this annual event.
Highlights of the day included a keynote presentation on ambulance safety by nationally-acclaimed speaker Dr. Nadine Levick, a M*A*S*H*-style medical tent set up for advanced airway skills training, and a special presentation by the VA Tech Rescue Squad detailing lessons learned from the April 16, 2007 event. We would like to extend a huge thanks to all of the wonderful speakers who presented at this year's Conference-without them the event could not have been so successful!
Be sure to go ahead and mark your calendars for the 5th Annual StarPoints Conference which has already been scheduled for Saturday, April 11th, 2009 at The Inn at Virginia Tech. Stay tuned for details on the hottest EMS Conference in SW Virginia!
Click on the thumbnails below to see highlights from the day: