Carilion Clinic Patient Transportation: National Guard Blackhawk Helicopter Arrives at Carilion Clinic

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Saturday, June 28, 2008

National Guard Blackhawk Helicopter Arrives at Carilion Clinic

A National Guard Blackhawk helicopter was deployed this morning to the Carilion Clinic helipad. It's mission is to lift a disabled MedFlight helicopter from our hospital's rooftop helipad-the aircraft was stranded there several days ago due to a mechanical malfunction after bringing a patient to Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital.
Members of the Carilion Clinic, VA State Police, Roanoke Fire & EMS, and the National Guard met at the Carilion Clinic Life-Guard 10 hangar for a mission debriefing.
Stay tuned here for further updates on the helicopter move.