Carilion Clinic Patient Transportation: December 2010

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

CCPT Hosts Patient Safety Discussions: Lessons Learned from the Life-Guard Aviation

Carilion Clinic Patient Transportation Services was pleased to welcome our peers from both the Roanoke Memorial OR team as well the Quality & Patient Safety Department yesterday. The first of a lecture series regarding patient safety was presented by Paul Davenport, Sr. Director. The lecture entitled, "Why Hospitals Should Fly: Patient Safety Lessons from Aviation Emergency Medical Services" allowed our team to share valuable safety lessons with our colleagues. The presentation, based largely on the book "Why Hospitals Should Fly" by John J. Nance, JD, allowed the audience to better understand the principles of Crew Resource Management (CRM) and how we, at CCPT, make these principles a priority in our everyday practices, in order to promote both patient and crew safety. Three of our Air Methods pilots were also there to share their perspective from the aviators' side of our operations. It was a great opportunity for all to share ideas from both the inpatient and prehospital environments. We look forward to hosting the same presentation with the Roanoke Memorial CCU team later this week.

Updated 12/10/10: CCU Team Visits